solar panels installed…

How Do They Stay Clean?

Pollen, Sand Storms, Dust, Debri, Leafs, Acorns and Dirt can get on your panels. What do you do to keep them clean and effecient?

Does It Void My Warranty?

Cleaning your panels regularly or hiring someone to clean them for you will not void your warranty with Titan or the manufacturer. If you hire someone to add panels, remove panels, or modify any of the electrical components or harware then the warranty would be voided.

Pressure washers are great for cleaning the exterior of your home, including the roof and gutters, but it should never be used on solar panels. Yes, their high reach and pressure makes cleaning large sections of solar panels much easier but doing so runs the risk of damaging the panels.


More about warranty

Quality Control

Water is the best solar panel cleaner, especially if it’s deionized or distilled. This water attracts other chemicals, so it’s more efficient for cleaning. If deionized or distilled water isn’t available, treating hose water with a water softener can help improve its cleansing power.

“As we strive for a happier and more fulfilling life, we can draw a lot of inspiration from water. Despite being soft and humble, it cuts through hard rocks because of its patience and persistence.”

– James Beard

Soap & Water?

Get in touch

“Soaps can leave a film or residue that not only shades panels like the dirt that was just washed off, but it can also encourage dirt to stick and build up faster,” said Daniel Green, Bland marketing director. “We use deionized water that is applied through our rotating-brush system.

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schedule your next panel cleaning

    How Often Do I need to Clean My Solar Panels?

    Answer: Every 6 months to a year
    How Often Should You Clean Solar Panels? It is generally recommended to clean solar panels every 6 months to a year in order to maintain the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the panels. However, based on where you live and the level of dirt and pollution, the need for cleaning may be more frequent or less.